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The Soundtrackcollector database contains:
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Search Results
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A search for 'Arthur And The Invisibles' gave the following results:

1 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
27 matches in composers
  1. Arthur Kay
  2. Arthur Schwartz
  3. Arthur Cune
  4. Arthur Wilkinson
  5. Arthur Hoérée
  6. Arthur Quenzer
  7. Arthur Lauber
  8. Arthur Wright
  9. Joseph Arthur
  10. Arthur Hamilton
  11. Arthur Simonini
  12. Arthur Sharpe
  13. Arthur Fields
  14. Arthur Baker
  15. Sir Arthur Benjamin
  16. Sir Arthur Bliss
  17. Arthur Honegger
  18. Arthur Lange
  19. Arthur B. Rubinstein
  20. Arthur Kempel
Show all 27 matching composers
1584 matches in tracks
  1. Arthur & Marcus Part 2/Arthur Gives In/Franklin & Arthur/Arthur Helps Old Lady/Arthur Comes To Rescue (06:35)
    from Babylon 5
  2. Les invisibles (01:48)
    from Braquo
  3. Mami Te Extrano (03:24)
    from Heights
    Los Amigos Invisibles
  4. Esto Es Lo Que Hay (00:00)
    from Pulse
    Performed by Los Amigos Invisibles
  5. Playa Azul (04:45)
    from Ca$h
    by Los Amigos Invisibles
  6. Ponerte en Cuatro - Los Amigos Invisibles (04:33)
    from Pourquoi Pas Moi?
    (JL Pardo / A. Figueredo / M. Arcas / J. Briceno / JR Torres / JM Roura)
  7. Parque De Mac Arthur (Mac Arthur Park) (04:20)
    from Man Called Horse, A
    Both tracks performed by Richard Harris
  8. G'Kar Helps Arthur/"Sir" G'Kar/Arthur's Story Told/G'Kar Drunk/The Truth (05:17)
    from Babylon 5
  9. Arthur's Theme (Best That You Can Do) - Christopher Cross (03:54)
    from Envelope Please: Academy Award Winning Songs
    From the film Arthur (1981)
  10. Arthur - Arthur's Theme (Best That You Can Do) instrumental (03:28)
    from Movie Love Themes
    Burt Bacharach / Carole Bayer Sager / Peter Allen / Christopher Cross
  11. Arthur's Fanfare / No Surrender / Arthur's Farewell (11:10)
    from Jerry Goldsmith - 40 Years Of Film Music
    From First Knight
  12. Arthur's Fanfare / No Surrender / Arthur's Farewell (11:10)
    from Blue Max, The
    From First Knight
  13. Arthur's Fanfare / No Surrender / Arthur's Farewell (11:10)
    from Man From U.N.C.L.E., The
    From First Knight
  14. Arthur's Fanfare / No Surrender / Arthur's Farewell (11:10)
    from Dr. Kildare
    From First Knight
  15. Arthur's Fanfare / No Surrender / Arthur's Farewell (11:10)
    from Room 222
    From First Knight
  16. Arthur's Fanfare / No Surrender / Arthur's Farewell (11:10)
    from Waltons, The
    From First Knight
  17. Arthur's Fanfare / No Surrender / Arthur's Farewell (11:10)
    from Barnaby Jones
    From First Knight
  18. Arthur's Fanfare / No Surrender / Arthur's Farewell (11:10)
    from In Harm's Way
    From First Knight
  19. Arthur's Fanfare / No Surrender / Arthur's Farewell (11:10)
    from Sand Pebbles, The
    From First Knight
  20. Arthur's Fanfare / No Surrender / Arthur's Farewell (11:10)
    from Chinatown
    From First Knight
Show all 1584 matching tracks